I did some research and found that this was a common issue with the NCE Power Pro. The reason for the Mal-function was that one of the boards in the command station had loosened up. The supposed solution was to " Open the command station and reseat the top board on the right hand side of the command station. Make sure the power is turned off. be sure that you line up the pins correctly when reseating the board". I tried this several times to no avail.
From Mark Gurries website I obtained the following information about problems with the NCE Power Pro DCC Command Station:
NCE Bugs & Problems
NCE is a complicated product to make. Below is a list of known
problems and solutions that are very VISIBLE problems that come up.
This list offers advice on how to solve these type of problem.
1) NCE PowerPro System or CS02 Command Station. (PowerPro has a CS02 command station inside.)
2) Any NCE Radio System
3) Standard Cab Throttles
4) PowerCab operating in PowerCab mode
Created 11/28/14
Updated 7/20/15
My problem was limited to the first problem on the list. I followed the above directions explicitly and still couldn't get the Pro Cab to function properly. I then decided that the board in the command station had become compromised. I then called NCE and the tech told me to send the entire system into NCE for evaluation. He had no easy fix for me. I then decided not to send the system to NCE for evaluation. First the entire command station is at least seven years old. The cost of shipping the system to NCE and back to me in Frisco with insurance is a fairly hefty price. The tech couldn't give me the cost of evaluating the command station. Then I had to consider the additional cost of replacing a one or both boards in the command station.
I then decided to buy a new NCE Power Pro Command Station without the handheld device ($274 plus shipping charges)worked out to less than my shipping the original seven year old command station to NCE for evaluation and tentative repair.
The new command station works fine with my two original hand held cabs that wouldn't function with the original damaged command station.
If need be, I'll use the old command station for parts if I need them. Hope this helps if you own a NCE command station and the Cab mal-functions. It isn't the cab, its the boards in the command station,
BTW, I have over load protection on my layout and still can't understand how this board mal-function occurred. One most remember however, that electronic parts do mal-function at times for unknown reasons.